Personalised education for all.

Sylla is founded by four friends - Tom, Max, Dennis and Sam - who share a passion for how technology can support educational opportunities for all. Higher Education has played an important role in our lives. We believe it should for generations to come too.

However, the Higher Education we experienced is not available to all - and from our own experiences, we believe things can be done better still. During our studies, we benefitted greatly from educators going the extra mile: from video’s and additional readings to bringing new tools and methods of engagement to the classroom. While new technologies can personalise such educational experience at scale, Higher Education leaders and faculty are struggling to meaningfully adopt these aligned with their needs and wishes. We see a great opportunity to offer more accessible and personalised education using new technologies available today.

At Sylla, we partner with Higher Education leaders, staff and their faculty - pursuing a high quality educational experience for all their students. Together, we are shaping personalised tools and solutions ensuring Higher Education can remain affordable, accessible and successful now and in future.

Sam Eerdmans

Co-founder & Business

Emily Vasquez

Graphic Design

Tom Mosterd Sylla

Tom Mosterd

Co-founder &
Higher Education

Dennis Stander

Co-founder &

Max Mosterd Sylla

Max Mosterd

Co-founder &

Maria Levchenko
